7Sep2022; 1Apr2024 Directory Description ------------------- ----------- rundirs_and_outputs contains tar files of the AERMOD run directories. The output files are in the /postproc directories. Run directory naming convention is: am21112.so2.t.(YEARS).nav.rec4.(CASE).m2sea.dw4{A-E} for YEARS 15t17 = 2015 to 2017, 19t20 = 2019 to 2020, and 15t17_19t20 contains the 5-yr DVs that were calculated from the 3-yr and 2-yr runs, as well as a copy of the 19t20 AERMOD control file. naa.*.tar.gz (35M) contains the run control files (aermod.inp) and outputs are in /postproc directories. ancillary_inputs contains tar files of the downwash, receptors, and meteorology inputs for the aermod.inp control files. The AERMAP, AERMET, AERMINUTE, AERSURFACE, and BPIPPRIME preprocessor run files are in /preproc_work. scripts contains the script used to calculate the 5-yr DV from the 15t17 and 19t20 runs